Step 1: Confirm Eligibility and Regulations

As a Notable Narrative mentee, you must agree to the following eligibility and regulatory requirements:

  • I am a low-income and/or first-generation high school senior who is determined to apply to college during the fall semester of my senior year.
  • I accept sole responsibility for being responsive to Notable Narrative mentors with essay edits and meeting all specified deadlines assigned to me. If I cannot meet an assigned deadline, I will make sure to contact a Notable Narrative mentor within 48 hours prior to my deadline.
  • I accept that if I fail to contact a Notable Narrative mentor within 48 hours prior to my assigned essay edit deadline, I will first receive a warning; a second offense will lead to my expulsion from the Notable Narratives program. Additionally, I acknowledge that Notable Narratives retains the right to dismiss me from the program at any time.
  • I acknowledge that I do not need to have a rough draft of my college essay(s) to receive assistance from Notable Narratives as they will help in any stage of the college essay process.
  • I understand that Notable Narrative mentors will only help me edit my college essays, which is not limited to: brainstorming, outlining, and editing/proofreading. However, I am aware that Notable Narrative mentors will only help me with one essay at a time and will consider providing other services to aid me in attaining future success.
  • I understand that Notable Narratives DOES NOT guarantee admissions/acceptance into a school nor financial aid/scholarships for a school as Notable Narratives is simply a support resource for U.S. colleges and universities.

Step 2: Fill Out Our Sign Up Form

For Advisees

If Google Form does not show up, please use this link!

For Advisors

If Google Form does not show up, please use this link!

Step 3: You’re All Set!

  • Once you submit your Google form, you will receive a response from us within 1-2 weeks. Please do not email us again until we have reached out to you individually.
  • After looking through your responses and eligibility, we will match you with one of our amazing essay editors!
  • If one essay editor has an overwhelming amount of interest, we will match on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Your essay editor will welcome and reach out to you personally with more information about how often you will meet with them and how the process will look.
  • After receiving our service, your essay editor will follow up with you with an email that will include a feedback form that is important to fill out. If not, we will reconsider providing you future service.
  • This survey will provide us with information about how not only the individual essay editor can improve, but how the organization can improve as well.

As always, any questions, please first see our FAQ and If your question is still not answered, email us at